Wandoan Photo Challenge gets down to work

ORGANISERS of the Wandoan Photo Challenge, sponsored by Senex Energy, have high hopes for even more new and interesting photographs as the competition clicks off for another year.

Last year attracted 100 more entries than the previous year and hopes are high for an even greater number, with the competition’s Facebook and Instagram pages already featuring many great photos submitted by locals and visitors.

Work is the big thing in 2021 with two new categories, Work – General, and Work – Close-ups.

Wandoan Photo Challenge coordinator Helen Golden said the first category was for normal work photos and the second for close-up shots capturing the finer details of work.

“Work is central to our lives,” Helen said.

“It’s not only the standard country pursuits and multitude of resources jobs but also the ‘invisible’ work many undertake like cooking, caring for others and cleaning; or that work performed by retail and office workers; doctors, nurses, emergency workers and volunteers.

“We also look forward to seeing photos focused on the details: the farrier nailing a shoe onto a horse’s hoof; the leathermaker crafting a bridle or mending a saddle; or something as simple as sewing a button onto that favourite work shirt.”

Senex’s Community Relations Manager Trevor Robertson said the work categories summed up what makes Wandoan and district great.

“We know that not only do people work hard in their day job, but even after they’ve clocked off they often work after hours to put on community events like the races and shows.

“We see them behind the BBQ or working the bar or at working bees the day before.

“Work is part of daily life and we’re all looking forward to seeing the entries showcasing the diversity of what work means to different people in the Wandoan, Miles, Taroom and Chinchilla local area.”

A third category, Small Town, Big Country, is for all non-work-related photos.

Photographs must have been taken after 31 March, 2020 within a 100 km radius of Wandoan.

For rules and guidelines, and to enter your photos, head to www.wandoanphotochallenge.com.