Wandoan State School Captains James Klass and Lucy Zillman with Lorin Nicholson at his “Climb Your Own Mountain” workshop in May. Photo: Leesa Rathbone
WANDOAN State School students gained an insight into how attitude, beliefs and resilience will help you lead a successful life thanks to Senex Energy when they spent a day with Lorin Nicholson.
Lorin Nicholson, who has been legally blind his entire life, has not let his lack of sight stop him from climbing what he calls life’s greatest mountain – the mountain inside yourself.
From beginning his first career as a remedial massage therapist through to his current work as a highly sought after inspirational speaker to a Golden Guitar nominated musician – Lorin has vastly exceeded expectations and uses his experiences to inspire people from every walk of life.
Along the way he’s published a book, been named Vision Australia’s Person of the Year and received the Order of Australia Medal (OAM).
Lorin presented to the entire school before delivering his Climb Your Own Mountain Leadership Program to Years Six to Ten students on May 19.
Louise Oakman, who leads the school’s Positive Culture Team, said the students are still talking about all the things they gained from spending a day in someone else’s shoes.
“It had been a long time since we’d had anyone share their experiences of overcoming difficulties, so this was just amazing,” she said.
“Lorin played music as well as engaging students in activities that gave them an insight into what life is like for him by wearing black out glasses and having them work with one another to complete everyday tasks which we often take for granted.
“The students were on task the entire day which shows their level of engagement with and respect for Lorin.
“I’d really like to thank Senex for helping provide our students with such an incredible opportunity to open their minds.
“The session helped them realise that if Lorin can achieve everything he’s done, then they too can also set a goal and every step they take will get them get closer and closer to achieving it.”
Senex Energy Community Relations Manager Trevor Robertson said Senex was proud to support Lorin’s workshop.
“Our students are tomorrow’s leaders so it is essential to help equip them with skills that will allow them to become the best versions of themselves,” Mr Robertson said.
“Senex is proud be a part of Wandoan and will continue to work with Wandoan State School and other organisations to ensure the vibrancy and sustainability of our community well into the future.
“While we all have our own mountains to climb, Lorin shows it’s a lot easier to do this by working together rather than attempting to do it on your own.
“Lorin’s workshop provided the opportunity for students to learn this important life lesson at an early age.”