Senex and Council lend helping hand to community groups

Senex Energy is proud to announce that nine community groups will receive much-needed funding from this year’s Maranoa Regional Council and Senex Small Community Grants program.

This is the third year that Senex has partnered with the Council to provide $30,000 in grants annually to help local community groups and organisations.

Life Christian Church Roma was one of the nine recipients from the first round this year, receiving $3,000 to install child fencing at its new community facility.

Pastor Shane Wallis said the funding Senex provides makes a real difference in the community.

“For Senex to get involved in these community projects, they are giving back into the community and that’s really making Roma a better place,” he said.

Community Relations Manager Trevor Robertson said Senex was proud to be an active member of the Maranoa community, supporting jobs, local businesses and local organisations.

“This funding is important to the local people who work so hard to support community organisations and to those who benefit from what these groups do,” Mr Robertson said. “The team at Senex is really proud to be partnering with Maranoa Regional Council again this year to help provide this funding.”

Maranoa Regional Council Mayor Tyson Golder said the Small Community Grants supported by Council and Senex gave Maranoa community groups a much needed helping hand.

“Community Grants are very important to the Maranoa community and allow our community groups to continue growing,” Councillor Golder said.

Recipients of the Senex Maranoa Regional Council Small Community Grants

  • Hodgson Soldiers Memorial Hall and Recreation Association – $1,000 – Hodgson Camp Oven Dinner
  • Life Christian Church Roma – $3,000 – Secure Child Safety Fencing
  • Gunggari Native Title Aboriginal Corporation – $1,134 – Cultural Sites Survey
  • Booringa Action Group – $2,986 – Raku Workshop / Art Workshop
  • Surat Pool Advocates – $3,000 – Purchase of Picnic Seating
  • Surat and District Development Association Inc – $2,850 – Cobb and Co Festival Social Media Plan 2021
  • Roma and District Lapidary and Minerals Society Inc – $1,830 – Purchase shipping container
  • Bendemere Arts Association Inc – $1,684.50 – New Furniture
  • Roma Contract Bridge Club – $2,148 – Furniture Renewal