Miles Women’s Wellness Day inspires women to rediscover their sparkle in life


WOMEN from Chinchilla, Meandarra, Wandoan and everywhere in between flocked to Miles for the 8th Women’s Wellness Day on Wednesday, October 18 hosted by the Murilla Community Centre and sponsored by Senex Energy and Jemena.

Guest speaker Julie Cross took attendees on a tumultuous emotional journey as she shared her life story and the strategies she has developed to handle whatever comes her way with a smile.

Women were in fits of laughter, then searching for tissues to wipe away the tears streaming down their faces just minutes later.

Senex Energy Community Relations Manager Trevor Robertson said Senex’s involvement and support of the Women’s Wellness Day was part of its long-term commitment to support vibrant and sustainable community events and partnerships – just like those at Murilla Community Centre.

“I’d like to congratulate Murilla Community Centre Manager Cecily Brockhurst and her team for giving local women the opportunity to come together and enjoy such a great event,” he said.

Cecily was delighted with the positive feedback she’s received since the day.

“It’s been a challenging year for many of us for all different reasons whether that be fires to the way the season is heading, so it was wonderful to see so many women come together to fill their cups and see them enjoy themselves,” she said.

“Many people said Julie was one of the best speakers they’ve heard and she gave them renewed inspiration to go out and face life while letting a bit of their sparkle shine, as she would say.

“I would like to thank Senex, Jemena and our other sponsors as well as the businesses who donated prizes and their time, our stallholders and last but not least, all the women who came and made the day the success it was.”